Creating a Picture of Your Business Future


Everyone who has been able to initiate a business ie have an idea, and activate the idea, will be very happy to have that business mature into a very big one. Every business person, without any exception that I know of, expects this to happen to their business, and most times pray that it happens. By the way, is that not what is called breakthrough? Everyone expects it.

Nothing just happens. There are instances of miracles, and there are rooms for it, but, even miracles are planned. You may not be the planner though. To grow your business from its present state to where you desire it to be, it begins with a picture. A clear picture that represents what your desire is is the birthing place of the future of your business.

The mouth speaks words, the mind speaks pictures.

Anything that your mind cannot conceive, your hand may not attain.

The picture of the business in your mind is the future of the business in your hand.

So, what do you think of your business? What size, shape, spread and sell do you picture in your mind? How do you see the business in two, five, ten, twenty and even fifty years from now? Or maybe we should even start with one year. Do you see that business expanding by acquiring more office space in your present location? Adding other product lines? Spreading to other states or environments besides your immediate? Increasing capital size, etc? What do you see?

Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen said the following four important things about visualizing:

1.     Visualization activates your creative subconscious which will start generating creative ideas to help you achieve your goal.

2.     Visualization programs your brain to more readily perceive and recognize the resources you will need to achieve your dreams.

3.     Visualization activates the law of attraction, thereby drawing into your life the people, resources and circumstances you will need to achieve your goals.

4.     Visualization builds your internal motivation to take the necessary actions needed to accomplish your dreams.

My friend, your business and life in reality will cooperate with, and reflect the image in your mind. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

When the Nigerian born Jimoh Ibrahim started the concept of having bank offices at Gas (filling) stations, he definitely imagined that every vehicle passenger would have need for money or make deposits as they buy fuel. When Nigerian born Mike Adenuga started Globacom, he definitely imagined millions of Nigerians communicating at affordable rates, and paying for exact usage (per second billing system). When Nigerian born Frank Nneji started ABC transport company, he definitely imagined that millions of commuters could travel on land and have similar services like they could have on air. When Nigerian born Aliko Dangote started rice production, he definitely imagined millions of Nigerians consuming the world’s most popular grain. When Bill Gates of the USA started Microsoft, he definitely imagined countless billions around the world having computers in their homes…it’s all imaginations, it starts with imagination.

A clear mental image gives a clear focus on the business direction. So, let me ask you again, what do you see?

To further drive home the need for visualization and mental imaging, most trainers would have you create what is called the Vision Board. In creating the vision board, you are meant to get the pictures of instances, events or examples that look like or represent what you desire for your future, and then you place a time limit on it. Example, if you want to own a school, or you already own one, you would be required to get pictures of your dream schools, the kind of buildings, the size of the school, the parking lot for cars that come to pick students, the uniform, the class of students that will be there, etc. You will then place these pictures on a board, and that will be your vision board for your dream school. You will hang this board in a vantage position that you can always see. Every time you see the pictures of your dream future, it registers an impression in your mind, and you find yourself working assiduously towards the attainment of the dream.

So, while no one else knows why you are doing what you are doing, you know there is a big picture you are working towards, while you’re at that small business, persisting, you know there’s a dream land, you’re working towards. It’s not everyone who is walking on the street alone and smiling that is mad. Some people are actually living in the fantasy of their pictures. I didn’t say you should start smiling alone on the street, am just getting you to realize that pictures are real, and they do become you.

Even if you don’t create a vision board, do other ‘silly’ things: sign a dream cheque (that you hope to receive or worth at sometime in the future), place that cheque on your wardrobe or mirror and see yourself owning such amount of money. Do something now that gives you an idea of what your future business will look like. Image is everything, someone said, so dream a dream, get a picture of what your business will be, and start living it from now.

I encourage you to try it. You could apply it to every other area of your life. It works. I assure you, it works by giving your goals and plans a face. It is now pictorial so you can relate better with it. What you see, is what you ultimately become. The picture of the business that you see, is the future of the business you will have. You will follow the process required in your field, you will subdue the challenges that come with it, you will go at it one step at a time, but you will surely live in your dream land. You will own the business of your picture.

See you.


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