Quotes on Trying/Tough times


-         Tough times never last, tough people do. -  Robert Schuller

-         Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them. – Anonymous

-         Adversity causes some men to break and others to break records. – Anonymous

-         Why can’t problems hit us when we are seventeen and know everything? – Anonymous

-         When the going gets tough, the tough get going. – Robert Schuller

-         If you fail in the day of adversity, your strength is small. – King Solomon, Proverbs 24:10

-         The right angle for approaching a difficult problem is the try-angle. - Anonymous

-    The challenge the average housekeeper faces is that she has too much month left at the end of the money. - Anonymous

-    The gem cannot be polished without friction nor the child of God cleansed without adversity. - Anonymous

-    If you are going through hell, keep going. - Winston Churchill
