Quotes on ACTION


-         Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits. – Thomas Edison

-         A man has got to do what a man has got to do. – American saying

-         Don’t find fault, find a remedy. – Henry Ford

-         God, save us from hotheads who lead us to act foolishly, and from cold feet that would keep us from acting at all. – Peter Marshall

-         We are all actors in our chosen fields of endeavor, and are best actors when we are top in those fields. – Ola Barnabas

-         The thing to do when all else fails, is again. Giving it another try is better than an alibi. – Anonymous

-         Did is a word of achievement
Won’t is a word of retreat
Might is a word of bereavement
Can’t is a word of defeat
Ought is a word of duty
Try is a word of each hour
Will is a word of beauty
Can is a word of power

-         Whether you think you can or you can’t, either way you are right. – Henry Ford

-         The world is full of Wills who won’t, and Cans who can’t. – Ola Barnabas
