Every once in a while, we run into bumps; suddenly somehow there seem to be some roadblock that just wouldn’t leave us be. And quite sincerely these experiences can really be nasty for some people.

Some people may just feel a little uneasy in their health, and while that may slow them down, it never really stops them. But what if it is not just a headache, but was diagnosed as tumour in the brain, the announcement of which opens an entirely new chapter in that person’s life, that is certainly going to do more than slow them down. While some people seem to handle that well, some people end it quickly, you know what I mean. On the other end, It is possible that you thought it was a few dollars that you had to pay on the account of your child’s misbehavior until you found out that not only are you going to need the bank, he may also go to jail. How do you handle seemingly good intentions turning bad?

One question no one may ever be able to comprehensively answer is: Why do bad things happen to good people? I’ll probably make more attempts in my next post on this.

We could handle it perhaps if something bad happens to us for a few minutes or hours, so long as it doesn’t stick around us. We could say, well, that is the way things are. May be it was meant to be so, etc., but when an experience becomes one too many or just wouldn’t go away, we really would show more than a little concern. In such moments, we want answers and we want them badly. We want someone to tell us why it has to be us. We want someone standing for God and explaining to us why we have to go through what we are going through, and I know from experience that, that is not where anyone wants to be.

What we face or what faces us in life are not the same. It’s different strokes for different folks. What then do we do when the least prepared for is our experience? What do we do when we don’t know what to do?

1.     Look Up
Sounds simple right? But it sure won’t be an argument for someone who’s been there before to say that is one of the most difficult things to do at such times. For various reasons: We tend to see God as the source of the problem at times, or rather “why did He let it happen to me?” or “Am I been punished for my sins already?”

I tell you, that is not the way God operates, if what you are going through has anything to do with what you have done in the past, it is because you caused it, not because God brought it on you. And I do not intend to say that in any mean way. God loves you still no matter what you have done or are doing. He forgave your sins – past, present and future. If He has to relate with you based on what you are doing, you wouldn’t even be here to tell the story. So, it is for your own good to look unto Him who alone can help you. If man promises to help, he may fail, but not so God. He NEVER fails. When you look to Him, you look beyond your situation. When you look to Him, you’ll see the infinites malty of your situation as compared to the unfathomability of His ability. “They looked upon Him, and they were not ashamed.” Look up my friend, help comes from above.

2.     Enjoy the Care and Love of Family and Friends Around
I know that not everyone has family or friends to give care and love in their most-needy moments, and I also know a lot of people who take out their angst on the few family or friends around. Neither case is desirable.

If people show you care and love in your trying moments, appreciate it, and let them know that you do. That way, you’ll attract more care and love, but if you rebuff it, you’ll tire out those who are making the efforts, and you might need to know that it is not easy for them too. It is such a beautiful thing to know that people care for you.

3.     Look Inside for Hope and Faith
You know Hope and Faith are sisters, they live down my street. Laughs.  

Where there is a will, goes the old saying, there is a way. If you can somehow see a glimmer of hope somewhere inside you, you will soon join the heroes of hope who have dared death, who have seen the worst situations in life, but have overcome. And oh! People have survived in life.

You must, despite the hopelessness of the situation believe in hope. Hope does not disappoint. Faith does not fail. As far as these are founded on Christ, they WILL NOT fail. Let the you that is going through come alive once again. Believe.

4.     Just Trust in God
Sounds like grandma’s advice right. It could be the best you have heard ever.

There is no making further mistake when you resolve to trust in God. Of course you don’t know what to do, wouldn’t you rather trust the One who knows? When we are at our wits end, then God shows how many other options we have, but we’ll never know those options if we don’t trust Him. Trust Him enough to follow His wisdom, and His wisdom is in His word. When you seek Him, you’ll save yourself a whole lot of troubles.

5.     Surround Yourself with People who Inspire and Stories which Inspire You.
You need anything that will lift your spirit, and you can get it. You can listen to people who speak life into you by the things they say or do, when you do, you attract the life that they have. You need to listen to, or read stories of those who have braved the odds and surmounted untold hardships, they will give you hope that you can do it too. I will post stories of people who have survived unusual circumstances in their lives later on this blog. It will help you a lot.

6.     Go to sleep
I’ve found that to be one of my best strategies when I really don’t know how to proceed. Sleep. I am not a scientist enough to know what sleep does to troubles, but I have commonsense enough to know that I don’t have those troubles until I’m awake again. And who knows, maybe the problems just go with my sleep, or they become lighter for me to handle or I bother less about them or I forget them, or anything. Sleep just helps.

7.     Listen to good music
Someone once said that music is the food of the soul. I don’t know if I believe that absolutely, but I know that music helps when you are going through.

Good songs will lift your spirit. Good songs will revive your ailing faith and make you wanna push some more. You can’t tell how helpful a piece of music is until you need it.

See you


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