Onion-Bulb Principle

Here is the preface from my book: The Onion-Bulb Principle (Getting Everything You Can Out of Everything You Have)


At the end of one of the several seminars that I facilitated, someone walked up to me and asked, “What exactly do you do?” To that question, I responded: “I do three things for a living: I talk, I write and I build businesses, and each of these have their onion bulbs.” I knew I answered the man’s question, but the last phrase? Well, I think I ended up confusing the man. There was no way I would have been able to count the over 15 different activities that have manifested from my primary three tasks. I would practically have left him in a quandary while looking like a confused person myself.

A few months before that particular seminar, I had got caught up in studying the onion bulb, deducing lessons from it that I could apply to my life and business, and of course share with everyone who would learn from it. During the period of my study, I made several discoveries, and have gone on to teach some of those discoveries at different places, and at different times.

While I may not be able to conclusively tell you that everybody got something that revolutionized their lives from these discoveries, I can certainly assure you that, I have been invited over and over again by different groups, institutions and firms in different places to share these truths with them, and people have confessed how much the principle has helped them to be better persons and to make better use of themselves.

While I am still interested in sharing, and still do share these truths, I have also seen the need to put some of my thoughts on this principle together in a book so that, you, who may probably never hear me share the principle, because of distance, time or opportunity, may still be able to learn the principle and use it to make your life count much more. Let’s learn together from the Onion.


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