The President Nigeria needs in r2019

Nigeria has had her fair share of unfair leadership. 2019 should bring some respite to unnecessarily troubled Nigerians. This is the kind of President the country needs in the year:

One that will value the lives of the citizens and do everything in his/Her power to protect it from bandits, whoever they are, wherever they are;

One that will be ready to stay at home, use the resources at home for medical treatment or leisure and will not run abroad for the treatment of a headache;

One that will speak well of Nigeria especially on international stages in line with the vision that he/she has for the country, and not demarket it;

One who will be detribalised - manage the diversity of the populace and will be adjudged by the majority of the people as doing just that;

One that will not subtly promote the supremacy of one region of the country over another; who will not skew governance benefits and privileges to the region and the people from whom he came;

One who though a politician can yet be firm and relate with candour even if it has to be with his kinsmen in the spirit of Dora Akunyili;

One who has a personal ideology and vision that can be nationalised for the benefit of all countrymen in the spirit of Obafemi Awolowo;

One who has and maintains good international relationship with other countries but is ready to sacrifice being a 'good boy' for the sake of his country;

One who will not make merchandise of all the country's assets;

One who is ready to, and will assemble the best hands to run the country whoever and wherever they are and not necessarily because they are politically aligned;

One who is not afraid to restructure the country or at least major setups in it;

One who will not suddenly forget or deny the promises he made the people upon occupation of the office;

One that loves Nigeria, and knows the agitation of the people. One who knows the people are not asking for much - just good roads, portable water, conducive environment for personal ingenuity to thrive, schools that won't go on strike, functional basic healthcare, ability to sleep without fear of herdsmen or insurgents and so on. Simple physiological supplies. That's all the people yearn for; all that have been denied them.


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