What is your meal signature?
Do you run a restaurant, bakery or any related venture? You need to run that venture with a signature. Many local restaurateur, chef or baker want to always try out different recipe on their meals. And in cases where the owner is not the chef and he/she hires a chef, that chef comes with his/her own recipe. Wrong. Do not continue to serve different taste of the same meal to your customers every other day. Of course this can be permitted in the very early few days of your starting (it is indeed terrible enough that you do not have a planned out recipe before you commence operation), or if you are trying to change your recipe because of customers' feedback. But on the whole, you MUST have a signature recipe/meal production plan that every chef you hire must respect. Even if they are going to tinker with it, the variation should be so mild it can be ignored. Most people who have chosen your bread, cakes, and other confectionery and indeed your restaurant have done so because of ...