Creating Dual Career Progress Paths in your Organization
CREATING DUAL CAREER PROGRESS PATHS The most common reward method for high-performing staff in organizations include, among other things, increase in pay, and northward promotion along the managerial path. Both timeless and very prominent reward systems in most organizations - large, medium, small, government, not-for-profit, etc. Are these effective in stimulating higher performance from benefiting staff? You bet. But are they effective in transforming the staff into the exact image that the organization hoped when it rewarded them? Debatable. More monetary incentive, of course, will win any day. Everyone wants more, especially if they've worked for it. My emphasis however, is on the second reward mechanism - of promoting staff into managerial positions because they've been very productive down the ladder. To start with, not everyone will make a good manager. Some people are better, and will be better left as professionals in their fields. Managerial tasks are quite un...