
Showing posts from August, 2018

Who will be Nigeria's Next President?

The choice of Nigeria’s next president is a huge decision that faces all Nigerians 18 years and above in the face. 2019, unlike previous election years, is drama-filled. The consciousness of the average Nigerian – whether of voting age or not is fever-pitch high, due to the consistent heating and over-heating of the polity, the various actions of the political gladiators, the current economic reality vis-à-vis the expectations of Nigerians at the inception of the current administration, amidst other factors that may not be unrelated to sentiments – religion and region. 2019 will indeed be an interesting year for voting Nigerians. And Aah! The carpeting and cross-carpeting from the sweeping broom to under the umbrella, and so on. Suffice to say that most Nigerians know those whom they won’t vote for. They may not know yet and may not be convinced about whom they will vote for, but they know what they are tired of and don’t want a repeat of. That makes the choice in 2...