Almost every topic, everywhere in Nigeria is a potential crisis theme. There is tension everywhere and the government is unarguably confused on what to do on most of these issues, it can indeed not hide its confusion, it would rather treat these issues like the proverbial 800-pound gorilla in the room – everyone knows it's there, but nobody wants to talk about it. In fact, the government now monitors your social media account for being so hard or for daring to talk. Wars, like accidents don’t just happen, they are created. Wars are effects to causes. There is no invasion of a country just for the sake of it without economic benefits targeted. No. Britain did not fight the Revolutionary war in the 1760s just because it wanted to protect its American subjects. No. it needed to strengthen and create wealth for the empire. Britain did not fight the Opium wars in the mid-1800s if it were not for the trade reasons, of course, Hong Kong was ceded to British control, and Shangh...