Nigeria and what Nigerians want from her is an amazing study. The founding fathers came together, negotiated and created a country that was largely acceptable to their people. In that country, they did not quite give up their power – the power of the citizens, rather, they gave of their resources to the federal government. While cocoa did well in the west, palm produce did well in the south, groundnut did well in the north among other agro and natural resources that were peculiar to each region. The leaders had little to fight over, they were content in the little they each had, they kept what was for each region for the regions, and they came to the table when anything involved all three/four regions. They disagreed when they needed to, and governed themselves in their regions, and jointly, by a document they all agreed to. They called it the 1958 constitution. The military came and foisted their will on the people of the country. They came selling a more united front they...